Time Blocking: a top tactic for business leaders

Leading a small business is super rewarding. It's also incredibly time consuming!

As a business leader, you probably feel like there are never enough hours in the day, right?

Years ago, an early careerist told me about time blocking. I was a rising executive at the time, and I couldn't quite wrap my mind around segmenting time for different tasks. I was programmed to multitask all day, every day.

When I opened my own businesses, I finally realized that time blocking is a huge driver of both efficiency and balance. I wish that I would have embraced the concept earlier!

Time blocking is a method of systematically dividing the day into different areas of focus. It sounds simple, but it takes a bit of experimentation and practice to make it work for you.

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

Take a few minutes to analyze the way that you are spending your time currently. For instance, if you are working 40 hours per week, you may be spending 30 hours with customers, 5 hours on administrative tasks and 5 hours on networking. This breakdown will form the basis for your time blocks.

Determine when you do your best work. Are you a people person that loves interacting with people first thing in the morning? Or do you prefer quiet time to focus on tasks that require concentration when your mind is fresh after a good night's sleep? Maybe you are a night owl that likes to deep dive into complex work when the household winds down for the evening. This knowledge will help you set aside time when you are at your best for specific tasks.

Map out a plan and put it on your calendar. Once you've decided how and when to allocate your time, make a commitment to your plan by adding it to your calendar. Be sure to include breaks too, you deserve some down time to recharge. Every day can look different, just try to create a routine that works from week to week, when possible. I've included an example from my personal calendar below.

Want to learn more about time management and other tips and techniques for managing your business? Be sure to follow me on Linkedin, Facebook or Instagram. Even better, reach out directly and let’s connect!


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